Medium Whole Elk Antler Dog Chew

How to Choose Which Antler Your Dog Needs?
Whole Antler:
For dogs described the following: aggressive chewer, tough chewer, heavy chewer, likes to chew than a “whole” elk antler is for you! Dogs that commonly get whole antlers: German Shepherds, labs, golden retrievers, mastiffs, boxers, pit bulls, any mixes of the above and more! It is more challenging for them to get to the marrow because it's only exposed on the ends of the antler.
Split Antler:
For dogs described as average chewer, puppy, older dog choose a split antler. They still chew for the marrow and the nutrients. Split antlers make it easier to get to the marrow for less aggressive chewers. They make more progress and it will hold their attention longer. Split antlers won’t last as long for heavy chewers.
To choose the correct size antler you should pick a size that gives them plenty of space to hold onto the antler and plenty of space to chew. The marrow on the inside of the antler is what the dogs are chewing for. The antler slowly wears away as they chew. When the antler gets too small it’s time to take it away so your dog doesn’t try to swallow it whole.
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